preparation, e-filing — January 08, 2016

Are All Your Ducks In A Row?

by Bobby Willover

get ready to file your taxes

We’re into the new year and it’s time to start thinking about your taxes (Ugh! Yeah, we know.) But where do you start? Rest easy, it's nowhere near as tough as that expert Sudoku you’ve been trying to finish for a while (not judging, by the way).

Here's an infographic that will help. And when you’re ready to file, you can use to file your taxes and get your biggest possible refund – guaranteed.

infographic on getting started doing your taxesThis infographic provides an overview of what most taxpayers need to file their income taxes. If you want to dive deeper, create a free account and start your taxes. Our easy interview will guide you through, finding credits and deductions to maximize your refund.

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