
We’re here to make filing taxes extremely simple—removing the dread. Get the latest on tax hacks and personal finance here.

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Tax News — June 24, 2022

We’re Moving! Combines Blog and Tax Guide

Big news! We're working on making our help content better than ever.


Ready for a fresh take?
Try tax filing for just $25.

Here's what we found in our blog for file online with

6-Step Cheat Sheet for Last-Minute Filing

Stressing about last-minute taxes as you try to beat the April 15 deadline? Here are our most helpful blog posts for filing your taxes in 2019.


The 1040 Postcard-What's to Know?

The Form 1040 postcard has been released, but what does it actually say? Read on!


You Might Not Need to Itemize Deductions This Year: Here's Why

Homeowners and taxpayers with complicated deductions may be able to save without the trouble of itemizing.


How Do Tax Brackets Work?

Tax brackets help determine your taxes owed-let's take a look at how they work!


3 Common E-filing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Be extra careful when entering specific personal data to save the hassle of tax refund delays.


7 Year-End To-Dos if You're Filing Your Own Taxes Next Year

When December rolls around, one of the best presents you can give yourself is to get in all the preparatory steps for tax filing.


5 Tax Tips for Filing in 2022

We're officially in April, which means Tax Day is just around the corner-here are our five best blog posts to help you out!


Freelancer Taxes Bootcamp: What You Need to Know

Don't get overwhelmed-get it done. Here's how to organize your records so you can coast through your taxes in April.


Help! I Can't Pay My Taxes!

Can't come up with the money before April 15? How do you handle paying taxes you just can't afford?


Options After the Ship has Sailed

If you missed the income tax filing deadline, we've got options for you.
