
We’re here to make filing taxes extremely simple—removing the dread. Get the latest on tax hacks and personal finance here.

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Tax News — June 24, 2022

We’re Moving! Combines Blog and Tax Guide

Big news! We're working on making our help content better than ever.


Ready for a fresh take?
Try tax filing for just $25.

Here's what we found in our blog for file online with

How Can I Make Money After Graduation?

Getting a bit overwhelmed by the job search? Here are a few ways you can make some money after graduation.


Help! I Can't Pay My Taxes!

Can't come up with the money before April 15? How do you handle paying taxes you just can't afford?


The 1040 Postcard-What's to Know?

The Form 1040 postcard has been released, but what does it actually say? Read on!


Best Savings Accounts for Your Tax Refund

If you don't want to spend your tax refund, consider tucking your money away in a savings account.


What's the PATH Act?

What exactly is this bill, and why is it delaying refunds?


Freelancers, Meet the New Form 1099-NEC

Here's the new income form for freelancers, independent contractors or self-employed persons who are used to getting Form 1099-MISC every year-heads up!


Giving Disabled Veterans an Even Break

A brief look at some of the tax breaks specifically for disabled American veterans.


5 Life Events That Affect Your Taxes

Had any big life changes or events in 2017? Let's see if they affect your taxes!


How to Pay Taxes When You Just Can't

Here's how to pay your tax bill, even if you can't afford the full amount right now.
