Giving Back — April 05, 2021

From Fitness to Taxes to Clean Water—How Community Fuels Positive Change

by Paul Garner

A weight rack and a city view


When I first started doing CrossFit in 2014, it did not take me long to understand that CrossFitters care about being better versions of themselves day in, day out. There is power in suffering with others, and with that power comes lifestyle change—both in and outside of the gym. I would imagine that many of you have shared this same CrossFit community experience.

Beyond the personal transformation lies a deep desire to share that good outside the gym. In some cases, that desire reaches outside the box to communities, regions, and around the world. I have experienced gyms host food drives for local food banks, toy drives for families in need around the holidays, and sponsor deserving friends and neighbors’ gym memberships.

On a larger scale, many gyms have launched non-profits and foundations. Elijah Muhammad’s work with Project Onyx, which highlights underrepresented and underserved people of color in the fitness space, is incredible. In a similar vein, the work of the Keala Foundation and Aaron Hoff’s mission has changed countless kids’ lives in Hawaii.

At the core of these examples are people who want better lives for themselves and others. It’s what a healthy community should look like, and it’s one of our primary visions at

We partner with companies and individuals in the functional fitness space, even though the tax-to-fitness correlation is odd—right? To that, we simply say that we can’t help it; our founder went from preparing returns with a paper and pencil to playing a significant role in pioneering modern-day e-filing.


Because he wanted a better way for himself and others.

His desire to invest in people’s lives to better his community has been passed on to our team over the years. Like gym members, we wanted to take that passion outside of the office and into the world, and that’s where our partners at Healing Waters International (HWI) come into play.

HWI implements safe water solutions worldwide, providing hope for the future for each individual impacted. To date, has donated $866,059 to HWI. Another way to think of it is like this: +11 million gallons of clean water, a year’s supply for over 59,000 people. We don’t share those numbers to wow you but to get you excited about what is happening and invite you to play a part.

The affiliate’s power is vast, and the opportunities to do good in the world are plenty. Together, we can create a better tomorrow for all.

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